歷年優秀論文獎助 > 2023優秀學位論文得獎名單 > 魏子斌
研究生 | 魏子斌 |
研究生(外文) | WEI,TZU-PIN |
論文名稱 | 展能藝術的實踐:特殊生展演博物館導覽之歷程— 以蘆葦啟智中心「藝啟․一起說故事」為例 |
論文名稱(外文) | Exploring the Process of Developing a Museum Theatre Piece by and with Young Adults with Disabilities:Take the Arts with the Disabled Project-Let’s Tell a Story Together with Luway Opportunity Center-as an Example |
指導教授 | 蔡依仁 |
指導教授(外文) | TSAI, YI-REN |
口試委員 | 陳仁富、林偉瑜 |
口試日期 | 2022-09-02 |
學位類別 | 碩士 |
校院名稱 | 國立臺南大學 |
系所名稱 | 戲劇創作與應用學系碩士班 |
論文出版年 | 2022 |
畢業學年度 | 110 |
語文別 | 中文 |
論文頁數 | 234 |
中文關鍵詞 | 展能藝術、博物館劇場、戲劇導覽、特殊生 |
外文關鍵詞 | Applying Arts with the Disabled、Museum Theatre、Docent Theatre、Young Adults with Disabilities |
中文摘要 | 「展能藝術」的概念是由香港展能藝術會所提出,其宗旨是「藝術同參與․傷健共展能」,相信每個人都有藝術和創作的潛能及欣賞藝術的權利。而展能一詞中的「能」更凸顯了我會什麼,而不是我不會什麼,且展能藝術不以治療為目的,強調特殊生於藝術中的創作與欣賞。
因此本次「藝啟․一起說故事」計畫將在博物館的文化「空間」,用戲劇導覽敘事歷史的「時間」,讓特殊生體驗「角色」的轉換,從而展開「展能藝術」的可行性;期望與特殊生一同創作出可供其他身心障礙團體借鏡的戲劇導覽模式。 研究採個案研究法,並透過參與觀察、訪談、文本分析的多方佐證,厚實研究的深度與廣度。研究後歸納出,在展能藝術的操作概念上應秉持著「特殊生替自己做決定、提供特殊生慢慢來的空間、陪特殊生一起嘗試跟犯錯」三個原則,耐心等待特殊生的學習及成長;而在操作方式上則採行「簡化、減量、分解、替代、重整、陪伴」六個步驟,幫助特殊生無礙進入創作模式裡。結果發現特殊生能經由實際參與戲劇導覽的歷程,體驗新的生命經驗;在與劇場工作者、其他同儕特殊生的共同合作中,創造新的人際關係;在公共場域的公開展演,能開拓新的生活場域,進一步為他們的學習及生活帶來更多元的影響。 |
外文摘要 | The concept of zhan neng (i.e., applying arts with the disabled in Chinese) originates from Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong, which—with its vision “arts are for everyone”—believes that everyone has a potential in art and creation and also the right to enjoy art. The character neng (i.e., ability in Chinese) highlights what one can do rather than what they cannot do. This concept is not about providing therapy to young adults with disabilities and instead focus on their creation and appreciation of art.
In the “Art Together: Let’s Tell a Story Together” project, young adults with disabilities experienced spatial and temporal changes of role by telling historical stories in docent theaters, which made the concept of apply arts with the disabled possible. The project aimed to, together with young adults with disabilities, design a docent theater model that could serve as a basis for other support groups for people with disabilities. The study employed a case study design and collected supportive evidence through participant observations, interviews, and document analyses to increase the depth and breadth of its investigation. The study revealed 3 principles in the practice of the applying arts with the disabled concept: make decision for yourself; it is okay to take it slow; and keep on trying despite mistakes. These principles stressed the importance of patiently seeing young adults with disabilities through their learning and growth. The concept should be practiced in 6 steps—simplifying, reducing, breaking down, replacing, reconstructing, and accompanying—to ensure a smooth transition of these students into the art creation mode. These students gained new life experiences through their participation in docent theaters and built new interpersonal relationships with the theater staff and other young adults with disabilities in the process of collaboration. Performing in public expanded the sphere of their day-to-day lives and further enriched their learning and lives. |
連結 | 臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 |