歷年優秀論文獎助 > 2023優秀學位論文得獎名單 > 郭安桓
研究生 | 郭安桓 |
研究生(外文) | GUO, AN-HUAN |
論文名稱 | 國小教師資訊取得管道與假消息經驗之研究 |
論文名稱(外文) | A Study of Information-Access and Misinformation Experiences among Elementary School Teachers |
指導教授 | 林麗娟 |
指導教授(外文) | ChanLin, Lih-Juan |
口試委員 | 彭于萍、邱子恒 |
口試日期 | 2023-07-19 |
學位類別 | 碩士 |
校院名稱 | 輔仁大學 |
系所名稱 | 圖書資訊學系碩士班 |
論文出版年 | 2023 |
畢業學年度 | 111 |
語文別 | 中文 |
論文頁數 | 157 |
中文關鍵詞 | 假消息、國小教師、資訊取得管道 |
外文關鍵詞 | misinformation、elementary school teacher、information-access |
中文摘要 | 本研究以臺灣在職國小教師為對象,探討國民小學教師一般資訊取得管道,以及對於假消息經驗之反應。研究採用問卷調查法,透過問卷評估國小教師之反應。根據收回之199份問卷調查結果顯示:國小教師的一般性資訊來源取用頻率以線上資源居多。教師對教學相關資訊求證謹慎,而國小教師收到假訊息之經驗與日常接觸之訊息有關,七成的國小教師有使用過資訊查核工具。國小教師高度認同假消息會隨著傳播時間的久遠而被誤以為是真的,在面對各類型態的假消息時所產生之負面情緒影響皆偏高,國小教師也高度期待各種假消息防制之道。不同性別、年齡、學歷、任教年資、學校規模等背景變項之下,教師的一般性資訊取用行為、對於假消息的定義、面對假消息的負面情緒反應與防制假消息期望層面之部分反應有顯著的差異 (p < 0.05)。本研究亦針對研究結論,分別對政府機關、社交媒體平台管理、事實查核機構、各類型圖書館及國小教師提出建議,更進一步針對不同族群的教師需求給予推動假消息防制之建議,並且給予後人未來相關研究之建議。 |
外文摘要 | This study centers in in-service elementary school teachers in Taiwan, aiming to explore their daily information acquisition channels and how they respond to experiences with misinformation. A survey method was employed to investigate the information acquisition practices among school teachers. Based on the results of 199 questionnaire responses, the results indicate that elementary school teachers predominatly rely on online resources as their primany source of daily information. Teachers are cautious about verifying instructional-related information. The experiences of receiving misinformation are related to the messages they encounter in their daily lives. Approximately 70% of school teachers have utilized information verification tools. They strongly agree that misinformation is more likely to be mistaken as true for as it spreads over time. Faced wtith various types of misinformation, teachers experience high level of negative emotional impact, and they also have a strong desire for effective sturategies to prevent the spread of misinformation. Among various demographic variables, significances are found (p < 0.05) in gender, age, education background, years of teaching experience, and school size in some of the responses in various aspects, including: daily information-seeking behaviors, definitions of misinformation, negative emotional responses to misinformation, and expectations for countering misinformation. Based on the research findings, this study also provides recommendations to government agencies, social media platform management, fact-checking organizations, various types of libraries, and elementary school teachers, respectively. Additionally, specific recommendations are given to addess different demogrphic needs of for promoting misinformation prevention. Furthermore, suggestions are offered for future research in related topics. |
連結 | 臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 |